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Principal's Speech for High Achievers, Aitchison College, Lahore, 25th September 2010




First of all, a
very warm welcome to all of you this sunny afternoon.

As you have
noticed, we have changed the venue for this function to the Tennis Lawns in
front of the Old Building.

This change of
venue has been deliberate. For one thing, I hope the parking arrangements are

Secondly, the
setting of the Old Building as a backdrop behind me is the perfect reminder of
the tradition that distinguishes our College from our later competitors.

Thirdly, and
perhaps most importantly, by re-locating the venue I wanted to emphasise that
the invitation for this afternoon’s event was not simply from me as the
Principal but from the Heads of all our three schools.

They share with
me the burden and the responsibility - and the burden - of providing your sons
with the best education that we can arrange.

This afternoon,
we have gathered here to honour 489 High Achievers.

176 of them are from Junior School

 97 from Prep School

216 from Senior School

This is not
including the High Achievers who achieved distinction in the ‘A’ level exams
and who have left us to join universities.

This year, as
many of you may know, we have expanded the facilities at two of our schools. At
Junior School, we have built a new block which has 21 more classrooms, 2 modern
computer labs, an auditorium for up to 400 boys, and an indoor gymnasium.

At Senior
School, we have added two new wings to Barry Block. This has augmented our
Senior School capacity by 24 classrooms, two Chemistry labs, 2 large
well-equipped auditoria, and staff rooms for our teachers and Heads of

Last year, when
we met on 9th September, our total strength was 2,145. Today, by the
Grace of God, it is 2,445.

We have been
able to increase the intake this year primarily at K 2 and K 3.  Three years from now, the present K 3 boys will
move to Prep School. That is when we will need to have extra space at Prep

Many parents
have expressed an apprehension that increasing the number of Aitchisonians will
lead to deterioration in our teaching standards.  The results of your children belie this.

Last year, we
had 373 High Achievers. Many of you are here again today.

This year, we
have not 373 but 489.

Last year, at
Junior School, we had 117 High Achievers; this year 176.

Last year, at
Prep School, we had 111; this year 97. Prep School’s loss was Senior School’s

Last year, at
Senior School, we had 145 High Achievers; this year 216.

These are not just
numbers. These are your sons.

That is why I
will ask them to stand up and be recognised. Please applaud them generously.
This may be just another school event for you as elders. For them, it is the
high point in their young lives.


K 1:            13 High Achievers, with 12 all As

K 2:   67 High Achievers, with
66 all As

K 3:  26 High Achievers, with 26 all As

K 4:   46 High Achievers, with
46 all As

K 5:   27 High Achievers, with
26 all As

In total, 179 High Achievers, of whom 176 got all As.


          E 1:   33 High Achievers, 32 got more than 9 As

          E 2:   21 High Achievers, 16 got more than 9 As

          M 1:  43 High Achievers, 33 got more than 9 As

Special mention of:

HARIS ZIA – 1st in all sections of E 1

in all sections of E 2

HARITH ASLAM KHAWAJA – 1st in all sections of M 1

MuneeburRehman is a Saigol House boarder and Prep School House Prefect, and a
scholarship boy.] 


M 2: 63 High Achievers, of whom 22 got more than 10 As, and 16 got 9

C 1: 61 High Achievers, of whom 2 got more than 11 As, and 13 got 10
As, and 16 got 9 As. 

H 1(A level class):  44 High
Achievers, of whom 1 got more than 6 As, 17 got 5 As, 16 got 4 As.

In external ‘O’ level exams held last May/June, there were 48igh High Hogh  High Achievers. One boys got 14 As, 2 got 13
As, 5 got 12 As, 7 got 10 As, and 13 got 9As. 13 more got the minimum 7 As
needed to be invited as High Achievers this afternoon.

When I joined
Aitchison College as your Principal 20 months ago, all I heard were complaints
from disgruntled parents about poor teaching standards, under-paid faculty,
private tuitions, inter-house rivalries, forced occupancy of boarding houses,
and so on.

Today, I hear
far less of those. Perhaps I have just become used to the noise.

I think not.

In the past
year, thanks to the tireless efforts of my colleagues, we have been able to
make dramatic improvements in every sphere of our activities. In Academics, we
have recruited more teachers and enhanced their emoluments to market levels. At
Prep School, we have at more than at 800 boys studying French and more than 80
studying German.

At Junior
School, we have more than 700 boys studying Chinese.

We have engaged
new coaches for our various Sports activities.

And we offer now
over 27 Clubs at Junior School, 18 at Prep School, and 22 at Senior School. If
you child has any talent, we try to discover it and then encourage him to
develop it.

Whether we have
2,145 boys or 2,445, our aim remains the same. It is to provide your sons with
the best environment in which they can foster, grow, and then flower.

This November,
we will be entering our 125 year of existence.

When this Old
Building was constructed in 1886, we had 24 students. Today, we have that
number in just one section in one class in one school. Times have changed, as
we must change with them.

Each half year,
we meet like this to honour our High Achievers. Their success is not simply the
product of their own singular endeavour. If that had been the only ingredient,
they would have prospered at home.

We would like to
believe we as their teachers have contributed to their success. That is why I
would like to conclude by thanking our entire Faculty and their Headmasters.
Those teachers who are here represent those who are not. All though are equally
proud to be part of your son’s High Achievement.

Finally, a word
of thanks to you as parents. Without your concern for your sons, without your
collaboration, and without your cooperation, we would have no reason to be here
today. Congratulations therefore to your sons, and to you, as partners in their
success, my warmest compliments.

12 March 2012
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